Polly Matthews - Headteacher, Court Fields School

Polly is the Headteacher at Court Fields School, appointed in 2022. Prior to this she was Acting Headteacher at Court Fields and Deputy Headteacher at The Castle School, having joined the Trust in 2018.

Polly graduated from the University of Brighton, and started her teaching career at Sir John Lawes School, Hertfordshire, having previously served in the Royal Navy and pursued a career in industry.  Following a number of years working at Woodbridge High School in East London, she returned to her roots in the South West in 2012. Her career since has included roles as Assistant Headteacher at Great Torrington School in North Devon and Deputy Headteacher at King Alfred's School, Highbridge.  Polly also has experience as a governor at both primary and secondary level, and significant experience of developing safeguarding and early help in the Somerset area.  She successfully completed her National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) in 2021 and her Masters Degree in Education Leadership & Management (MSc) in 2023.

Working in education, industry and serving in the Armed Forces has shaped Polly's values and commitment to ensure that children and young people have the very best opportunities to live safe, happy and fulfilling lives.  She has a commitment to the local community and in particular ensuring that local children have a high quality education, including a wide range of enrichment to ensure that they leave school ready to successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities that their future bring.